Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moz wood burning

Did this over the weekend. going on esty soon.
A poster idea for the band night bear, from Greensboro, NC

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Photo collage idea i'm working on.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michelle in Boston

A great friend of mine, Michelle, came up to Boston this past week. Some photos.

The grave stones in the old graveyards have some of the most gnarly designs for decoration.

St. Frank of Assisi

The otherside cafe. one of the best places for us vegan dingos here in boston. so good.

Vans ad ideas

These are some ideas I've been working on today. I noticed that a lot of the pictures from last saturday's show seemed to really lend themselves to being used as Vans ads due to the prevalence of vans among the hardcore community. I might send them over to Vans when I get some more worked up. More later tonight/tomorrow between photo editing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Photos from ICC show on 11.15

Have Heart, Blacklisted, Ceremony, Reign Supreme, New Lows, and Let Down played on saturday night at the ICC

Photos here

Photo Retouching and Recital Poster

Here are some retouches I did over the summer on some head shots for Andrew List:

He has a duo playing some of his compositions next week, here are the some designs for the event:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Trap Them photos

Trap them photos from the CD release show are up now, and are featured on the Deathwish Inc record label's website.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chris Pouliot design work

This layout was create for the composer Christopher Pouliot for a Recital he is giving later this month:

Design Updates

Here are some new Bummer City promos

These are designs for a client here in Boston